Branding, Marketing, Strategy, Tips / 08 Sep 2020
3 Steps to Successful Word-of-Mouth Marketing (WOMM)
word of mouth

Too many brands are caught up in collecting numbers (any kind of fan) instead of collecting AND connecting with fewer, but more passionate fans (a specific kind of fan). However, “passion” is exponentially more effective than the former. Being “loved” wins over being “liked” every time.

  1. Identify: Who and where are your influencers? This will be your basis for building a long-term relationship, NOT pitching them on a one-time deal. Your “friends” will take your WOMM to another level.
  2. Listen: What are they saying about your brand? By really listening to your customer you’ll learn to understand what drives them and then provide them with what they need. Turn “I” into “WE”. Be part of their conversation and respond accordingly.
  3. Enable: Give them reasons to talk about your incredible products and outstanding service. Share insider knowledge, exciting stories, and fun facts. Let them know their opinions are important to you. Develop experiences that are actionable: Give them ways to share and participate through innovative campaigns, incentives, and events. Remember to use the 90/10 rule. 90% is about them and 10% is sharing your message. This will enable them to become your personal brand evangelist.

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